Just got back from the magical place on earth
The Magic Kingdom in Orlando. We were blessed with our annual trip to Disney and as we get to know the park better by getting to go each year, each time our trip becomes more enjoyable. Did you know that they throw Mickey Mouse shaped confetti during their day time parade? Here are some of my favorite shots from the
Magic Kingdom this year.
The castle at night. |
The Disney day time parade. |
This was the confetti that they through during the parade. I never noticed it before! |
My sweet Ava Jude who is 2 1/2, being very patient while I tried to get the perfect shot of her in her Snow White dress. |
My perfect Eden (who is 7 months in this photo). This is a great shot of her doing what she does best: sucking her thumb and being the perfect baby she is. Eden really loved these Mickey Mouse shaped balloons so I thought I would get shot of them behind us. |