Sunday, June 24, 2012

Congratulations Stacy and Karl! 6.23.12

Here's a sneak peek of their intimate wedding at the Carlyle House in Old Town. The cake from Maggie Austin Cake was delicious!
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Perfect Wedding Guide Event at McLean Hilton-Red Carpet

Great night of networking and catching up with some of our favorite wedding vendors.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Patty and Spiro- Tyson's Sheraton Premiere 6.2.12

Congratulations to Patty and Spiro NiƱo. We had a blast helping you with your wedding. You guys were a great couple to work with and your family and celebration was just perfect!  Here are a few snapshots we took from their big day.  Patty and Spiro are pictured below during their "Crazy Hour".  A Colombian wedding tradition of crazy fun, traditional music, masks and more dancing.  Just when guests thought that the party was was actually just beginning!  Thanks for having us be a part of your wedding day.